5 Things I Wish I Did Differently When Starting My Biz

Business Insider

5 Things To Do When Starting a Business

Now that I have hit the one-year mark of CoCo Zentner Art, I feel like there are many things that I have learned that I wish I had done differently and many tasks that I am so thankful I implemented in advance.

CoCo Zentner - artist

3.) Save Your Money & Invest in Yourself

  • This was [partially] one box that I was able to check off before starting my business. I made it a goal to save X-amount of money so that my finances didn’t hinder my creativity once I quit my corporate job. However, I wish that I had invested my hard-earned money on myself. I could’ve saved so much time and energy if I focused on educating myself on how to handle taxes, client communication, and branding in order to make this a sustainable business sooner than later.

4.) Set Up a Business Account

  • This is SO easy (and free!). Go to your bank that your personal finances are set up with, and open up a free business account. Even if you are months or years away from starting this business full-time, if you are making ANY income from your biz, do this immediately. You’ll need to have a certain amount of money in your account to avoid any fees, but this will significantly make your life and tax season easier on you!

5.) Determine Your Brand Aesthetic

  • I wish I took the time to really learn the importance of branding and marketing, and I am still trying to fine-tune this today. When you’re just starting out, first find what attracts you. Cut out magazine clippings or Pin things to a brand board - you’ll start to see the mood and look you resonate with (whether it is bold, bright, soft, etc.). Typography is also essential to building your brand, so you’ll want to decide on 3-4 font families that connect with one another. Lastly, you’ll want to establish a logo & your voice. This will reflect how you want your brand to be portrayed and is vital for your company.

I hope that you can take these things with you wherever you are in your business and can implement them so that you are able to create the most sustainable business possible. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you ever have questions or feedback!

All the best,
